Thursday, December 28, 2006


I try to deny the fact dat i'm materialistic but tis da season to be jolly, n wut is more happier than getting gifts from others or awarding urself for a hard-working yr?

to be honest it is rare to get gifts from Chinese customers, so these r coming from my beloved favorite customer Pinky n her friend Chanel~ thx onni!

the CD was actually an apology gift hehe...n there's da thank u card for X'mas, sorri i din get u anythin onni, but i've been real nice to u rite?

gift today from Pinky, actually i got lotsa gifts from her cos she always buys us lunch & dinner. Dis one was we went shopping today n she paid unexpectedly for us. I rejected at first but she insist dis as a X'mas gift~ thx!

did sum shopping way b4 X'mas, got sum cool boots off Sasso

early boxing day shopping w/ Tingerz, got sum nice sweaters off Jacob n a sweet Playboy belt from...where was it Etcera? The belt buckle flips like a coin, the other side is pink! Luv it

my sweet sweet phone arrive, all charge n ready to use. Luv my chocolate!!

cop dis today, green sweater that zips all dat way up to ur face hehe...product from Bros, yum...

it's my bro's gift to self i guess. Nissan Z350. A hot pick for guyz i guess, i dun really care. Kinda inconvient wen it only has 2 seats but i guess it's a guy thing

though i reli want to watch this but can't..Amei's first musical in Taiwan, can't really say much abt it cos i can't watch it. But saw sum clips n Amei's voice was great as usual but acting seemed rough~ good work for a 1st try

i just watched it tonite in silvercity n i couldn't wait to speak up. Was gonna go couple dayz ago but sold out during dat time. So tonite, it was still really packed. Chinese pride! Gotta say one of the best Hollywood shot from Zhang Yi mou since Hero. Plot was much more solid, cast was superb, costume, cinematography, art directing everything was great. Dun see it as a martial arts film though, it is actually a drama. This is the only movie for me so far that in my head i kept on saying "WOW" for the glamourous, extonishing the battle scene, flower bed, costume, and just the amount of PEOPLE. Just wowing everywhere and gasping everytime I saw Gong Li's appearance. I love her n of course Fat Gor, always so cool! Jay has a good character but he didn't played it too well. But great improvement! The last time I "Wow"ed for a movie was for da Geisha film in the scene wen Zhang Ziyi was walking on da runway.

Dis film received sum criticisms but I dunno y yet. Dis film is not as commercial as regular Asian movies, it's a drama! I'm believing ppl dun like sophisticated, complex conversations in the movies? But I love em, I enjoy all the fighting in WORDS. Touching toward the end too...hard to say bu I insist every1 watching them.... If you like Crouching Tiger...dis one has a better storyline I think. Less fighting but just going there to watch da glamourous scenes is worth da ticket!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


今天聽到了一些事情…有很多感想, 很多問號. 兩件事情非常巧合地有一點關聯. 事情是甚麼, 我並不想透露反正是別人的事情. 我只覺得聽完今天的事情我才驚醒覺得:
我們活得多麼天真, 自在啊.

上班, 上課, 見朋友, 吃飯, 看電影…從未想過恐怖的事情會發生在自己身上. 當然, 一般的安全會顧到, 也會儘量保護自己. 但是…今天才覺得, 人是多麼脆弱, 人生是多麼充滿諷刺和戲劇性.

有沒有想過你房子外有人已經觀察你好幾天…你的出入時間, 人口, 生活模式? 你出去的時候可能有人進過你的房子, 視察環境? 有人擁有所有車庫門的萬能控制器? 你回家的時候發現你的家人都被綁起來, 蒙住眼睛? 你覺得很誇張? 你覺得不可能? 電影橋段? 我只能說…這都是真的, 信不信由你. 突然覺得很無助…現在治安變差, 社會風氣又不好其實已經會比以前更小心. 但是從來都沒有怕過, 也沒想過一些小細節…例如, 今天會覺得連在晚上那種戶外停車場拿車也會怕會不會有人從一角冒出來…杞人憂天和危機意識很像是一線之差. 我不會分了…真糟… 真如m-flo的歌所說 “ain’t no perfect world till we’re all in heaven…”

也真有點諷刺, 我的新鄰居是警察...本來很有安全感, 今天覺得還不都一樣?


我記得小時侯只會分辨好或不好. 長大後認識了灰色地帶. 再大一點的時候覺得沒有所謂的好, 不好 或灰色地帶, 只覺得如孔子和孟子所說不管怎樣, 人的言行舉止, 思想, 所有東西都要以“仁”, “正”, 為中心思想. 人自然而然會變得正氣凜然. 今天還是認同我自己的想法但是多了問號. 因為已經不知道還需要設定一個人或事情為好或壞嗎? 正確與否呢?

以”正確”的手法去做一切事情…定義在哪? 除了讓自己良心好過之外, 意義又在哪?


看過”蠱惑仔”的人都會喜歡裡面的”壞人” 為甚麼? 因為不覺得他們做壞事. 不良的環境逼著他們加入黑道, 他們沒有直接害人, 但做的事情是違法的…但他們比普通人還講道義, 義氣, 重友情, 愛情, 親情. 好像抓到他們也不想把他們抓進監牢的感覺…有點又愛又恨. 可你遇到這種人…這種朋友…怎麼辦?

好好思考吧. 世界太亂了, 是非顛倒. 各位小心吧…好人難做, 不用想甚麼是對的, 好的或正確的啦. 簡單一點…不要做不好的就已經很"好”了… Dun add more, less is more. Avoid the negatives. My two cents~

PS. 覺得家裡有狗還不錯…雖然小隻但是畢竟狗的耳朵靈敏還有阻嚇作用. 有安全感~咳~~~



white 604...
early snow in Richmond...usually we dun get snow until almost NVR. Even so, prolly in late late Dec or Jan. Even so, it's very lil snow which melt by da afternoon. Now we're getting in late Nov, wid heavy snow that i almost can't get into my garage. But chillax, pouring bit of water lately n it's melting up. Love & hate snow, traffic danger but beautiful landscapes

off da wall n my fav bluenotes~~ grab sweaterz in dark colors i notice now in my pix...matching ma gloomy feelingz i one get one half i bluenotes peepz, luving it


my Mongolian kid
not a sudden thing...prolly to some ppl around me but i've alwayz wanted to sponser kids or do sumthing for da kids in underdeveloped countries as soon as i start making money. So i chose Mongolia cos i wanted to do sumthing for Asians. But World Vision Canada doesn't have China cept for Mongolia or here it is, still good. My kid with a hella long name i can't pronounce. Wishing u well as long as you got me.

my buddy Miko's new buddy "ju ju"~ meaning piggy in cantonese. We bot dis piggy to replace her old ducky we trashed. Piggy is similiar to ducky in terms of fabric and "ingredients"--beanie style. So hoping to replace ducky with piggy w/o Miko noticing, n indeed she din care. So is it her friend? Miko "plays", more like beats da piggy wenever she wants, wen she needs to vent her anger but she cares alot about piggy. Sing, sit, giving hand, she'll do anything to get piggy. So it's warm hehe...

so hot dis year round, finally got to see it. The actors/actresses were young so din plan to see it @ the first place. Assuming sum sorta cheap acting skill, chick flick series. But watched it anywayz cos my mom bot da dvd. N to my surprise, the characters' acting were veli mature, good looking guys n gals. Creative plot (saying dat da royal family still exists n da new princess married into da royals is a normal gal...kinda like Prince Charles n Princess u can expect humors) , serious on costumes, research etc. No wonder da popularity n reputation. A good watch GUNG...GUNG 2 is coming out with