Thursday, September 28, 2006


if u haven't heard, u must be in Mars...u dunno SM ENTERTAINMENT?
sum it up, it's da company of Boa n Kangta
so they are holding audtions in 11 cities in North America
dat means they are hitting Vancouver Oct 28th!!
i'm having a dilemma...friends have been telling me to join but i'm just ... i dunno, dun wanna talk about it again, let's just say i'm thinking alot about my future lately n i dun want to make a wrong move n end up wasting time or starting over
so it's me conflicting w/ my dream n my reality...will dream become reality or will reality become a dream...
lets say i can't afford to fail...i dun wanna choose a wrong path..then again how would u know which path succeeds if u dun try?
i know i should "JUST DO IT" n what comes may... i'll wait wut my heart tells me airite?

ur going again?! haha i know i get dat alot but dis time is for a good cause = MARIAH CAREY LIVE @ MGM!!! n for business wise i'm there for a very informal interview w/ da MGM MIRAGE insiders... hopes not that high but just there to say hello n stuff
so ya.. off to a lil chilling for a couple dayz den i'll hit 604 tuesday nite. right after i arrive i gotta rush to my hospitality class
i will be dead late but already gave my teacher a heads up

din update for too long, wut happen to my life?
besides working on alot of advertisement for my parent's office, of course i went shopping

cool mineral makeup
good for eyeshadow, eyelines, nails, lips n haha HAIR DYE~~cool stuff

Some art piece made from philippines shells
now why would i buy sumthing like dat?
i won't
someone (a cute, young korean girl) came up to my door representing some Korean charity foundation...forgot the name
so i donated (actually my dad) donated some money n we got dis
apparently we just donated cos of the girl, propping her for her courage to came up to ppl's door such a young age, all alone, and w/ very broken English hehe~

alwayz wanted a mouse for my book... i just took anything wen i was in aberdeen believe me i'm not a duck person

recent botz from Poly, release of Jay Chou and Rain
haven't got a good hear of Rain's yet but a couple were in his single b4 n it wasn't bad...propping him cos dis is his 1st Jap album

Jay... although not a popular PERSON, indeed a popular singer
i dun really like how he handles his love life but indeed i appreciate not his music but his music BUSINESS
if u hear closely his music is not all dat technical but he sure runs a good music style
he carrys a distinct style, beat, lyrics, team, mtv, image generally he is very consistent in all his productions...n consistency creates a image n his image becomes his style
n ppl digs his style n he carries it we have JAY CHOU
alright music but nice beatz in "Still Fantasy"
i'm a heavy beat person, so i like it

heading to LV tomorrow nite! some1 picking us up in Limo babee, good times~~ hope to sneak some pics of Mariah


Sunday, September 10, 2006


i know abt da Nanjing massacre
i know abt Japan's invasion on China
but i din there was The International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE) where da accused are over 20 military and political leaders of Japan. They were trialed for 3 types of crimes
crime against peace
war crimes
crimes against humanity
The judges came from 11 countries and of them of course included China
just imagine the debate n argument over what is law, humanity, and peace
imagine the judge from China...the pressure he must face to prove not only da Japanese warlords as guilty but also persuade everyone n da judges the punishment to da Japanese that is most significant to the Chinese --the death penalty
this long forgotten history is brought to the eyes of the Chinese younger generations
just google it up 4 da real deal

w/ 朱孝天, 林熙蕾, 曾志偉, 曾江, 劉松仁, 謝君豪 as da main cast but da spotlight falls on Liu as he plays one of the eleven judges representing China. His speeches in da movie shines as the climax n spirit of the movie. Ur gonna definitely fall in luv w/ Liu after da movie
U would just hear urself yelling "好! 好!" while watching the movie
U would just feel ur palms sweating
U would just feel tears rolling in ur eyes

The movie uses strong music, historical clips, background (da court look just like da real one in history), n characters that closely resemble the true figure--all help da audience focus n dive into da movie

This is a movie uncut from Chinese government which is an usual thing because we all know how strict da Chinese gov't are w/ movies (anything or words with ghost, God, demeaning to Chinese are cut...even movies like MI3)
This is a must watch movie if ur Chinese but u CANNOT watch dis movie if ur looking for pleasure...this is a serious n heavy movie w/ lots of historical facts, n strong speechs

it's about peace, humanity n law

Sunday, September 03, 2006


it has been a while already but dis movie/documentary pop into my mind again after da recent "gillian's change room photos" issue.
dis piece lets u wonder wut is truth/false in media n in society
wut's da downfall in entertainment industry
wut's da rules of da entertainment game
n all in all, it's wonderful humor to watch 4 cool guyz playing a big prank on media
ties in great w/ da recent media chaos in HK

lover of ghost movies, lover of Pang brothers directing style n lover of Angelica Lee's ghostly acting-- u can't miss dis!
a movie made w/ latest CG technology...makes u feel that ur watching a PS2 graphic game come alive
a horror movie is not surprising but a horror movie that is touching n educational
dun watch dis movie waiting for a horror but watch it for wisdom (of course it does have sum scary parts) really slaps u da face n remind u that u should cherish everything
the theme surrounds the idea of abandonment... the baby u aborted, the toys u threw away, the things, people or ideas u've forgotten will all appear in this "world" n haunt
a thoughtful cinematography, art directing, plot, cast etc
sum it up in theze words
"The film concludes with a surprising twist which one will appreciate if he or she follows the clever plot closely.
The sophisticated narrative structure, which at times mixes fiction and reality, makes the film more interesting than what is expected from a normal horror film. Thematically speaking, the attraction of Re-Cycle lies in the notion of abandonment. Ideas discarded and memories forgotten, no matter by an individual or a community, will return to haunt you. "

after all movie is about enlightenment right?

Saturday, September 02, 2006


感謝你的信...也感謝你的心, 我收到了.
世界太忙了, 是嗎? 好像除我們"這些人"以外, 大家都懶得問候.
我紀錄了兩篇我迷失的情感, 碰巧給你看見了...
其實人的心很複雜, 心情轉變也很大.
我希望把我的心情紀錄下來, 好讓我記載我的心理狀況. 好像不太健康哦...

以我目前的心情來說, 你的信說對了一半.
我最近生活確實不太好, 但我還知道方向.
我曾經安慰過自己, 家裡不等我開飯可以慢慢來, 不要急.
我時間是多著但我不希望休息. 我不喜歡世界進行著而我在玩樂的感覺.
所以我還是認真地在公司工作...我培訓員工, 做廣告圖, 把公司systemize...也利用這段時間去想...我要做些甚麼.

你知道那個世界原來多有影響力嗎? 你身邊每個人, 東西, 事都是由marketing的人...可以說操縱的.
一部電影, 歌手, 或節目紅不紅都是靠市場推廣.
當我一家又一家的公司看的時候, 慢慢發現這些公司對市場的影響力. 大公司都需要跟marketing公司求助, 把他們的成品推出. 當然求助是雙方的...碰巧我爸的朋友就是做這一行..告訴我這行業很苦. 被客人ban idea, 2-3am 還沒回家, 趕deadline, 被陷害...

但我是個理智的人, 當我知道要做甚麼我就不顧一切, 不會迷失.
大公司不請人, 或我還沒符合資格( 因為我沒有marketing background), 我就計畫...先進本地小公司, 吃苦,學習.
就昨天我也不顧身分報了政府的學習課程, 那種大人或媽媽們的夜校. 報了hospitality sales and marketing diploma program. 經驗沒有就是沒有, 不要顧面子. 我覺得這個行業是我可以控制到的...

可是就在昨天晚上, 我正在整理VCD的時候...放了張學友的"大城小事"...
我發現我眼睛完全離不開電視, 離不開他的聲音.
我發現我放不下音樂...我不甘心為甚麼這些人可以紅, 為甚麼這部好作品沒有受歡迎. 我不奢望我可以改變, 但我希望我可以影響或慢慢改革. 就算甚麼權力都沒有, at least 市場知道有人是合標準的. 就跟我為甚麼急著希望你能紅的原理一樣.
可是我覺得這個身分是我無法relate, 覺得太難了...

而我最近覺得做藝人根本也沒用. 可能只是在已經受傷的市場上撒鹽. 當初為甚麼市場會變成現在那樣也是因為marketing, 現在如果想"救"回市場也是marketing.藝人們也不過是公司的棋子. 要做操控的人才能影響.
我沒有那麼偉大要去改變甚麼. 但我的性格就是不做沒結果的東西. 歌手怎麼樣還是歌手. 做"後面"那位influential character才能改變甚麼.

我不只喜歡音樂和電影, 我喜歡到希望為"它"做點"甚麼"...revolution i guess?
其實就跟陳冠希一樣...想必他也看到這個道理, 比我先走一步.
not singing or making music or selling clothes
but creating a concept, a revolution
這個理想, 野心很大. 但願我能做到.
不管也許怎麼樣...現在還是要從entry level 做起.

不過心裡還是會有10%想要拿著mic站在台上...以前會說如果有人跟我簽約一定say yes...現在...我會覺得想當歌手是幻想嗎?...還是夢想?

"總之以那一天為分界, 我開始這樣想. 來開始試著認真讀法律吧.
那裡面或許有甚麼, 是我應該尋找的東西也不一定.
認真讀法律, 也許沒有玩音樂那麼快樂, 不過沒辦法, 這就是人生.

我不知道我認不認同這段話, 但我覺得好像是我應該做的.
不管如何, 謝謝你的信...回信的過程裡我才想到這些...
我才如現在, 這一刻...變清晰了.

PS 你的這句話百分百說中我了 "我知道你不願跟那些平凡膚淺的人過著一樣的生活..." 哈哈
PS 我很快會恢復正常. 我mood swings是很嚇人的嘻嘻...